Zangenberg Webinar: Test your negotiation skills
19. November 2024 - 09:00-10:30
Negotiating complex it-agreements – now with a twist:
An negotiation-case where you get the change to negotiate with one of the other participants before the webinar.
When you sign up for the webinar you can tick the box:
“Yes, I would like to try my negotiation skills BEFORE the webinar”, and we will pair you with a participant from another company.
You will get each others mail-adresses, and we will send you negotaion briefs. Now it is up to your to plan and conduct a 1-hour negotiation session. You can do this online.

Our negotiation webinar will allow you to compare your results with others, and then we will go through the most important topics for it-negotiations:
- Basic negotiation theory
- What is special about it-negotiations?
- What drives it-vendors, and what do you do about it?
- Defining the negotiation strategy
- How to deal with the de-facto monopolies
- Software, ITO, AMS, AD – what is different?
There will be room for questions, and we will give plenty of real life examples.