Zangenberg Webinar: MICROSOFT – EA and Azure negotiations
10. October 2023 - 09:00-10:30
The topic of this webinar is Microsoft Licensing.
In many IT organizations the costs of Microsoft Licenses is one of the biggest items in the IT budget.
Therefore, we focus on how to work on optimizing the agreements – regardless of the company´s size and IT spend. Whether you are a small, medium sized or large company, it would be beneficial to invest time in a negotiation strategy and optimization of Microsoft Agreements.
Microsoft licenses make up a great part of the IT budget for most companies, and it pays off to spend time on contract optimization and negotiating. However, the best way to negotiate and optimize your agreements depends on your total IT Spend, your Company Size, your circumstances and your IT Strategy.
One size does not fit all – On this webinar we are looking at the different strategies and methods available to you based on completed business cases of negotiation strategy in companies of varying sizes.