Zangenberg Webinar: Benchmarking of Your IT Department
22. oktober 2024 - 09:00-10:30
Does your staffing align with the scope and complexity of the tasks you are handling now and in the future?
We demonstrate how this can be measured – and what cloud, security, SaaS, etc., mean for internal staffing.

A number of companies have insourced their operations and do not initially wish to outsource. A benchmark against similar organizations provides insight into which areas require extra attention. It will also reveal areas where underinvestment may occur – for example, in hardware renewal. Additionally, the benchmark indicates what costs can be expected in the market for outsourced operations.
General Observations
- Unit costs decrease over time, while capacity usage typically increases.
- Operations usually account for between 30% and 50% of organizations' IT costs.
- Increased capacity needs are a consequence of several technological megatrends.
- It is important to consider Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) vs. efficiency. You might be running operations very cheaply under given conditions, but the overall TCO can still be reduced.
- It is essential for most internal or shared service centers to stay competitive with the market.